Applications are free of charge for all applicants! Bewerbung Berufsaussichten Schüler/innen Zurück Bewerbung Startseite Studieninteressierte Bewerbung Bewerbung Was muss ich tun, um in Jena Wirtschaft zu studieren? Eine Bewerbung um Zulassung zu einem Masterstudiengang ist nur über das Online-Bewerbungs-portal für Masterstudiengänge möglich. Die Bewerbung ist im Regelfall von Anfang Juni bis zum 15.07. Our page Paths to the Master's Degree: Preparation and Application offers a first impression, what your preparation and application might entail. Bewerberinnen, die ihre Hochschulzugangsberechtigung im Ausland erworben haben, bewerben sich bitte über das International Office der Universität Würzburg. Bewerbung zum Master. Hier findest du detaillierte Informationen zu den Masterstudiengängen an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. It is the end point of a process and requires long-term planning. Please use a different email address. Uni jena master bwl nc Betriebswirtschaftslehre - uni-jena . Organisation Seit 2002 bietet der Bereich Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache des Instituts den Studiengang Internationaler Master Auslandsgermanistik - Deutsch als Fremdsprache - Deutsch als Zweitsprache an. Die Vorträge im Geodätischen Kolloquium finden wie gewohnt um 16:15 Uhr, in diesem Semester online per Videokonferenz, statt. Photonics course. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institut für Romanistik, Wir bieten das gesamte Spektrum der großen romanischen Sprachen Französisch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch und Rumänisch., Bewerbung At our school, the digitalization of academic education is valued as a great opportunity to explore new and innovative ways of learning and teaching. All application documents need to be uploaded online as pdf-files to the portal. (SS) möglich. ... Sie eine separate Online-Bewerbung durchführen und den entsprechenden unterschriebenen Zulassungsantrag per E-Mail an senden. More; Außerkapazitäre Bewerbung Hochschulzugang ohne Abitur Modulstudierende Parallelstudium Doctoral studies Studienplatztausch Visiting Students (Free Mover) Admissions Statutes Organisation. Welcome to the website of the International Master Molecular and Developmental Stem Cell Biology at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. When applying for a bachelor or state examination program, no paper documents need to be submitted to Universität Hamburg. Paper documents that are sent to campus center will be disposed of. Was den Master »Öffentliche Kommunikation« auszeichnet: Fächerübergreifendes Studieren. Der Masterstudiengang Öffentliche Kommunikation ist interdisziplinär. Learn more Image: Unabhängiger Beirat des Stabilitätsrats 29 Oct 2020. This wide range of subjects enables an interdisciplinary exchange on the Göttingen Campus. Bewerbung Master . The University of Tübingen is home to people from all over the world. The Master Programme Biochemistry is open to all applicants that fulfill the requirements. Office hours: Mon and Wed 12.30 - 3.30 p.m. Tue and Thu 8.30 - 11.30 a.m. Schreiben Du hast dich für ein Studium an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät entschieden? On this page you will find all important information about applying for a master’s degree programme for prospective students from Non-EU countries: Checklist application summer semester 2021 (PDF) Short version of the essential application information - we recommend that you use this checklist as a guide when executing your online application. Applicants with a B.Sc. Are you looking for a suitable Master's programme? Application for Diploma/Bachelor/Master degree / study for teaching degree (primary school) The following applicants have to apply via Uni-assist e.V. As a rule, they are two to four-semester programs which build upon, deepen or expand previous bachelor's programs by adding an interdisciplinary focus. Universität Hamburg offers over 100 master's programs at eight faculties. Please note: It is currently not possible to reply to Microsoft emails (@live, @hotmail, @outlook, etc). The integrated Abbe School of Photonics ( forms the framework for an internationalized Master’s degree program with the accredited M.Sc. Zentrale Studienberatung im SSC-Gebäude Adolf-Reichwein-Str. Please note: It is currently not possible to reply to Microsoft emails (@live, @hotmail, @outlook, etc). Together with around 1,000 researchers from other countries, they make Tübingen a city of global academic and cultural exchange. The Master of Science in Economics teaches students the skills needed to thoroughly analyse economic issues and problems, understand and apply the relevant academic theory, and use the correct formal and empirical methods. We are among the leaders in a number of University rankings and currently offer more than 80 Master’s degree programs leading to a Master of Arts (M.A.) The language of instruction in the bachelor programs at Universität Hamburg usually is German. or Master of Science (M.Sc.). Master's degree Master’s programmes 1st Semester Foreign Applicants tuition fees Admission by lottery More. As a free mover you have to provide proof that you are proficient in the language of instruction in your chosen program at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. News. Bewerbungshandbuch PDF 1,75 MB Übersicht - Bewerbung-Zulassung-Immatrikulation … Studienangebot Master (PDF, 5MB) Die Auflistung der derzeit an der Universität Potsdam angebotenen Masterstudiengänge ergänzt durch die wichtigsten Informationen zu Fristen, Bewerbung, Zulassung und Einschreibung. This is the place to find important information about the application process. Coordinator Master's Programme Professorship of Cell Biology Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics Friedrich Schiller University Jena Hans-Knöll-Str. Nearly 4,000 international students are enrolled at the university. Gehen Sie direkt zum Master-Bewerbungsportal oder informieren Sie sich auf den Seiten des Master-Service-Zentrums. Stem cells have a major impact on nearly all disciplines of life sciences dealing with eukaryotic cells or organisms. Der insgesamt viersemestrige Studiengang wurde 2002 akkreditiert, 2006 vom DAAD und dem Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft mit dem Gütesiegel TOP 10 International Master's … Please use a different email address. The only documents which may be added to an application after these dates are academic certificates, which must reach us by 1 March for the summer semester and 1 September for the winter semester. This in turn will allow them to find creative approaches to problem solving and predict the political and social consequences of economic activity. Master of Biochemistry in Tübingen The University of Tübingen , home to Germany's oldest biochemistry degree, introduces a new, flexible, and research-focused Master of Biochemistry (MSc). Achtung Bitte beachte die Bewerbungsfristen. These include a number of international master's programs partially or entirely conducted in English. von Anfang Dezember bis zum 15.1. Downloads. Office hours: Mon and Wed 12.30 - 3.30 p.m. Tue and Thu 8.30 - 11.30 a.m. For more information about individual programs, please consult the guide to academic programs. 2 57076 Siegen Anfahrt Die Zentrale Studienberatung bleibt vom 24.12.2020 bis zum 03.01.2021 geschlossen! The integrated Abbe School of Photonics ( forms the framework for an internationalized Master’s degree program with the accredited M.Sc. 18 Dec 2020. Phone: +49 (0)3641 9-49960 The deadline for applications to restricted-admission Master’s programs is 15 January for the following summer semester or 15 July for the following winter semester. Universität Hamburg offers two kinds of master's programs: Consecutive master's programs build upon specific bachelor's programs. Photonics course. Übersicht: Bewerbungsfristen aller konsekutiven Master-Studiengänge an der Leibniz Universität Hannover Wintersemester 2021/22 Für das Wintersemester 2021/22 ist die Bewerbung vom 15.04.2021-31.05.2021 für die englischsprachigen weiterführenden Studiengänge Energy Technology, International Mechatronics und International Horticulture möglich. Master's programs You would like to apply to a master's program at Universität Hamburg and have you completed your first degree or higher education entry qualification ( Abitur ) outside of Germany? Wir freuen uns, dass Sie sich für einen Masterstudiengang an der Universität Potsdam interessieren. Bewerbung Die Bewerbung findet Online über das Bewerbungsportal statt. Applying to a master's degree program takes place in various ways, depending on the degree program in which you are interested. Please register until 27.09.2020 by e-mail to To apply for a Master’s programme at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, please use our Master Online Application Portal only (not uni-assist or other portals!). 15th Statement of the Independent Advisory Board to the Stability Council The government projects a further increase of the structural budget deficit to 6 % of GDP in 2021. 2, D-07745 Jena. programme at the students’ registration office during the enrolment period by presenting their degree certificate and the certificate of the mandatory counselling interview. Predictably, a strong demand on young scientists who are able to cope with a highly interdisciplinary approach will arise in the near future. The University of Göttingen offers more than 100 Master's programmes in the natural and life sciences as well as in the humanities and social sciences. degree in Biochemistry from the RUB or another German university can enrol in the M.Sc. (WS) bzw. Hier gibt es die Links zu den Bewerbungs- und Einschreibungsseiten. Master of Arts, Master of Science. vereinbarungen erfolgen unter oder telefonisch montags bis freitags von 09:00 bis 11:00 Uhr unter +49 3641 9-411111. Many translated example sentences containing "Bewerbung Master Studium" – English-German dictionary and search engine for English translations. At our school, the digitalization of academic education is valued as a great opportunity to explore new and innovative ways of learning and teaching. Prima!