We are aware that many of you are having to cope with challenging situations in your personal environment. It means that we are constantly having to evaluate the situation for the university and make decisions under changing conditions. The scope of compulsory teaching is given by the Ordinance on Compulsory Teaching. Presence-based offerings from the university sports services, however, will not be able to be held, at least through the end of November. In particular, we have to comply with the new legal requirements of the state and federal government. They are responsible for their own domains and it is essential for them to adapt their working conditions to the circumstances. Do these current developments change anything for you and your work on campus? Can deadlines be adjusted for parents who are students and still have to look after their children at home in the coming weeks? Wir haben ein breites Angebot an Services und Beratungen und organisieren verschiedene Veranstaltungen. Some student work spaces are again available in the university, and the university library and central services are gradually expanding their opening hours and offerings. We are already experiencing how teachers are using the opportunities provided by e-learning and how many of them also see that it offers new possibilities. On 31 January, the Rectorate of Bielefeld University issued first recommendations and directives that were updated on 27 February, 9 March, 13 March and 17 March. The maximum length of employment for research assistants according to WissZeitVG (6 years) is being increased by half a year. We are not aware of a single case in which someone was infected on the university campus or while attending a course/examination. Thank you very much for your understanding. Some issues became clear with the results of the student survey: extensive screen time, learning to use new tools, time management and self-organization, and workload were the keywords that kept coming up. Each workspace, however, does have a list where you just have to write your student identification number and the time present – this will facilitate contact tracing should an infection occur. If in need, please contact the teachers in your faculty. They can also obtain advice from the Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Protection Department (AGUS; contact: The chairpersons at all internal working sessions, meetings and committee meetings should check whether the meeting is necessary. The University Library remains open in reduced basic operation mode. The universities of North Rhine-Westphalia have been advocating this strongly, and we assume that we shall soon receive corresponding decisions. Nevertheless, students can be funded for an appropriate period of time beyond the maximum funding period, provided that the pandemic has caused unavoidable delays to their studies. At the same time, however, we now know more about the Coronavirus and based on this knowledge, we can now begin selectively reopening parts of the university. Furthermore, it is compulsory to wear a mouth-and-nose covering in all public areas of the university. In principle: Yes, if partner universities are accepting students for the winter semester. Liebe "Erstis", wir freuen uns, Euch bald an unserer Fakultät begrüßen zu dürfen. In addition, the examinee must make a legally binding declaration that no unauthorized aids are available during the oral examination via video conference/video telephony and that no other persons are present in the same location as the examinee. However, because possibilities are very limited due to the Corona regulations, this can only apply in emergencies. Today, the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia also stipulated that presence-based teaching at institutions of higher learning may no longer take place from Wednesday, 16 December 20202 until Sunday, 10 January 2021, as part of the current Corona Protection Ordinance NRW. The university library is also expanding its services. In the lecture halls, air is circulated through the ventilation system. We will keep you updated on all further measures and regulations. This also applies particularly to the field of teaching and thus to one of our core tasks. Those who do not have a UniCard, have forgotten it, or do not wish to use it must go to the entrance of the main building or Building X and fill in an access form with the relevant contact details (name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, time of entry) or hand in an appropriately completed access form. Neuinfektionsrate. We remain confident that our hygiene and safety strategies for teaching, studying, research, and work are suitable and sufficient for the current situation. Many are currently experiencing great anxiety and are worried not only about their own health and that of their relatives but also about the further planning of their academic qualifications, research, and teaching. Dezember, sollen in Bielefeld dann weitere 1200 Impfdosen zur … However, it is still necessary to place this on a legal basis—the university will be addressing this in the next few days. A pre-requisite for registration is that the course is listed in eKVV. The UA Ruhr is an alliance between Ruhr University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, and the University of Duisburg-Essen, the three largest universities in Germany’s thriving Ruhr area. As a result, some staff members are once again being confronted with care responsibilities. For lectures, seminars, and other practice-based courses offered in presence, the number of seats in lecture halls and seminar rooms has been significantly reduced in order to maintain social distancing. By the beginning of July, our aim is to have determined just what this kind of mixed semester will be, which course formats it will affect, and under which conditions courses and events will be able to be held. In recent weeks, politicians have begun easing the restrictions put in place for the Coronavirus pandemic. Die Universität befindet sich weiterhin in einem „Universitätsbetrieb während der Corona-Pandemie“. The semester will take place as an online semester. We now need to try them out and see what forms they can take. Registration is therefore mandatory for employees. If you want to get involved in this, you can already get in touch with us at the following email address: mentoring-studienstart@uni-bielefeld.de. Pregnant students are also prohibited from working on campus for occupational health reasons. The electronic lecture schedule commentary (ekvv) should be used to indicate whether the respective course (a) is taking place, (b) is being modified, or (c) has had to be cancelled. On-campus presence must be reduced to a minimum. Frühestens im Wintersemester 2020/2021 rechnet die Unileitung wieder mit einem regulären Semesterstart und … Auch die Uni Bielefeld diskutiert aktuell das weitere Vorgehen und bereitet sich auf Alternativen wie eLearning vor. This also applies to those who must be present on site to perform contractual obligations for the university, such as construction workers or suppliers. Bachelor's/Master's degree: Examinations cancelled in March or early April 2020 will be registered to the winter semester 2019/20 in the transcript. Academics should not work on campus unless absolutely necessary. Hence, it is an examination that enables the examinee to access the next career level without delay. Dezember zunächst nur zwischen 340 und 400 Impfdosen zur Verfügung stehen. Those affected can contact this address: coronavirus@uni-bielefeld.de The decisions from last week thus remain in place. If this applies to you, please get in touch with your instructor to make arrangements. We hope you will understand this. It is also now possible to participate in external training courses, provided that hygienic measures have been instituted. We therefore continue to ask for your patience and understanding. If this is not yet the case in individual courses, we ask all teachers to switch to digital now. How do I retain my student status with my health insurance provider if I have lost my job due to the Coronavirus crisis and therefore can no longer pay my health insurance contribution? Exceptions are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by Bielefeld University’s Occupational Safety, Health, and Environmental Protection Service (AGUS) as well as the Health Department of the City of Bielefeld and then approved by the chancellor of Bielefeld University. But please note that you are not allowed to eat in the university hall or in public corridors, pathways, stairs, lifts, and stairways. Registrations will be collected and coordinated there before being forwarded to the central room allocation office. Courses and examinations are to be offered in distance learning formats to the greatest extent possible. If an infected student is present on the university campus, this registration policy will enable the health authorities to perform much more precise contact tracing. Important: According to a further decree issued by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia dated 16 March 2020, all examinations and oral tests up to 19 April 2020 will be cancelled and postponed to a later date. We continue to request that they follow the appeal of the state government. Continuing to manage all upcoming tasks to at least the same level, if not even above and beyond, obviously also leads to (self-)overloading on a large scale. Monday, 14-16) 26 April Pernilla Agård, Sociology, Uppsala University 17 May Arne Dressler, University of Cologne, Germany 31 May Kathia Serrano Velarde, Max Weber Institute of Sociology, University of Heidelberg As a basis for helping you plan your teaching during the Corona pandemic, a position paper was created in order to provide the faculties with a unified framework. Rohland E (In Press) In: Die Corona-Gesellschaft. If you have questions, please get in touch with your eKVV contact person. Institut für Mathematik Universität Zürich Winterthurerstrasse 190 CH-8057 Zürich Tel. Gerhard Sagerer Dr Stephan Becker, Rector Chancellor. Die erste Anlauf- und Beratungsstelle in der Universität Bielefeld für Studierende und Gäste erhält in der Zeit vom 29. Students who cannot attend courses in person due to pre-existing medical conditions are to be offered alternative formats for both their courses and exams. You can also get more information from each of your instructors. The university canteen [Mensa], the Lokschuppen concert hall, the sports hall, and the Stadthalle city concert hall are to be used for this purpose. the issue of “black tiles” where participants turn off their video in online meetings). We have changed the registration process so that you register in the places where you will be staying for longer periods of time, such as in seminar rooms, lecture halls, study areas, the library, the cafeteria, or other public gathering areas. allocating these to external persons or colleagues with no/low teaching load) in order to have smaller courses with reduced supervision and grading work. The size of the examination room must allow a minimum distance of about 2 metres between all participants and its ventilation must meet the general standard. In case of doubt, please consult your supervisor. The end of the lecture period will still be 17 July. To the best of our knowledge, the Ministry will also soon be issuing new regulations so that examinations can be carried out in a manner adapted to the present situation. At the same time, however, we now know more about the Coronavirus and based on this knowledge, we can now begin selectively reopening parts of the university. Scientists decide themselves - if necessary in consultation with their supervisors - whether attendance at the university is necessary. The following continues to apply: researchers are allowed to work from home or on-site in university facilities. in connection to the Coronavirus measures is available on the following pages. Unfortunately, we are still waiting for a start date to accept emergency funding applications. We are all aware that we are dealing with a very serious situation. The online formats and tools developed and introduced in the summer semester can be used for online courses. On-site work can only take place if the technical or official circumstances require presence (i.e. An exception applies for those who are exempted for medical reasons (with a doctor’s note), as well as for those participating in practical sport courses, laboratory work, music instruction, etc. As long as courses are open to occasional students and these take place online, then in principle participation is generally possible. It must be able to provide information to the local health authority—at short notice—about everybody who was at the university at the same time as an infected person. The Federal Minister of Education has also announced additional unbureaucratic financial aid for students who are without work or income due to the Corona crisis and are not entitled to BAföG. We would like to thank you once again for your support and understanding. We need to pay particular attention to caring for those particularly vulnerable persons for whom infection with the disease would be an incalculable life risk. If possible, home office should then be made available to them. Social distancing rules also still apply. Nevertheless, the additional burden on instructors – as well as on staff in the various administrative departments of the university (including the rectorate) – cannot be denied. One new measure that has been implemented, effective immediately, is the requirement to wear a face mask when attending in-person courses and examinations. In some cases, they are facing difficult working conditions at home—for example when they need to look after children or care for relatives. An additional procedure will be established in the winter semester for registering students onsite in courses and examinations. This allows employees to organize their working hours flexibly and, for example, arrange childcare better. If temporary lectureships cannot be provided digitally, we ask the faculties to examine whether they can commission other services that would help teaching to run smoothly. The following now applies: those who wish to work at the university may do so again. Access forms can be downloaded here: www.uni-bielefeld.de/registrierung-corona. Unfortunately, many of your questions simply cannot be answered at present. We are waiting for a decision by the federal government on BAföG and child benefit entitlements. Please note that the Unicard will only be sent to you if you have never had a card from Bielefeld University before. The same applies to the use of workstations in the library. The PC rooms of the University IT-services (BITS) remain closed, also in the faculties. We also face the challenge of finding solutions for the current summer semester (which has been moved online and began on April 20) in order to allow you to complete your studies this semester in the best way possible. Stricter rules are now in force throughout the entire city. This news understandably leads to the question of whether this will have consequences for students at our university who live in these two Districts. However, it is currently not clear whether there will be enough seating for everyone. In light of these current developments, it may be the case that your instructors might have to change the presence-based components of their teaching offerings again – by moving them online, cancelling on-site meetings, or reducing the number of in-person interactions. That said, our goal is to enable as much on-site presence and interaction as is responsible and organizationally feasible for both students and staff. Unfortunately, we cannot answer all of these at the moment. The previous procedure for collecting data in seminar rooms and at the learning locations will be retained independently of this. This covers all courses, exercises, tutorials, seminars, practical laboratory courses, and any other type of event. From the very beginning, the Rectorate has aimed to provide you with transparent and timely information. Internationality is a strategic profiling objective of the University of Bremen. Die erste Anlauf- und Beratungsstelle in der Universität Bielefeld für Studierende und Gäste erhält zu Beginn des Wintersemesters 2011/2012 in … This number is stored on the device with a time stamp and transferred once a day to a password-protected directory. Gerhard Sagerer Prof. Dr Birgit Lütje-Klose, Rector Vice Rector for Studies and Teaching. Update of 15.12.2020 for instructors and students - Impact of Year-End Lockdown on Studying & Teaching at Bielefeld University, Update of 15.12.2020 for employees - Impact of Year-End Lockdown on Studying & Teaching at Bielefeld University, Update of 27.11.2020 for employees - Extension of current regulations until 15 January, Update of 30.10.2020 for students - Bielefeld Coronavirus risk area: current information, Update of 30.10.2020 for teaching staff - Bielefeld Coronavirus risk area: current information on teaching, Update of 22.10.2020 for employees - Bielefeld Coronavirus risk area: current information, Update of 22.10.2020 for students - Bielefeld Coronavirus risk area: current information, Update of 22.10.2020 for teaching staff - Bielefeld Coronavirus risk area: current information on teaching, Update of 15.10.2020 for students - Important Information for the Start of the Semester, Update of 15.10.2020 for teaching staff - Important Information for the Start of the Semester, Update of 15.10.2020 for employees - Mandatory registration when entering the university buildings, Update of 01.09.2020 for employees: New organizational decision as of 1 September 2020, Update of 26.08.2020 for students: Mandatory registration when entering the university buildings, Update of 26.08.2020 for employees: Mandatory registration when entering the university buildings, Update of 23.07.2020 for students: Thanks for a challenging semester, looking ahead, Update of 16.7.2020 for teaching staff: Key Points for the Planning of the Upcoming Winter Semester, Update of 03.07.2020 for students: Workspaces Now Available at University for Students, Update of 01.07.2020 for students: Lockdown lifted in Warendorf district, extended until 7 July in Gütersloh district, Update of 01.07.2020 for staff: Lockdown lifted in Warendorf district, extended until 7 July in Gütersloh district, Update of 25.06.2020 for students: Lockdown in the Districts of Gütersloh und Warendorf, Update of 25.06.2020 for staff: Lockdown in the Districts of Gütersloh und Warendorf, Update of 19.06.2020 for students: New regulations of Bielefeld University, Update of 19.06.2020 for staff: New regulations of Bielefeld University, Update of 26.05.2020 for students: Updated information on studies and examinations, Update of 26.05.2020 for teachers: Updated information on teaching and examinations, Update of 30.04.2020 for students - Reduced operations: updated regulations, Update of 30.04.2020 for staff - Reduced operations: updated regulations, Update of 17.04.2020 for students - Coronavirus: Start of the Summer Semester 2020, Update of 17.04.2020 for teaching staff - Coronavirus: Start of the Summer Semester 2020, Update of 08.04.2020 for students - Coronavirus: Summer Semester, Update of 08.04.2020 for teaching staff - Coronavirus: Summer Semester, Update of 23.03.2020 for students - Coronavirus: Reduced Operations, Update of 23.03.2020 for staff - Coronavirus: Reduced operations, Update of 19.03.2020 - Hardship provisions for examinations / Reduced opening hours of the Bielefeld University Library, Update of 17.03.2020 for students and staff - Handling of exams, Update of 17.03.2020 for academics - Home office and official trips, Update of 13.03.2020 - Coronavirus: Important information, Update of 09.03.2020 - Rectorate cancels public events until 30 April, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Information on studies and teaching during the Corona crisis, Symptoms of Coronavirus (Covid-19) and Hygiene Measures, https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/themen/coronavirus/alle-mitteilungen/, https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/coronavirus/sicherheitskonzepte, https://blog.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/?p=10991, https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/verwaltung/dezernat-p-o/familie/babysittingportal/index.xml, www.uni-bielefeld.de/themen/coronavirus/studium-und-lehre/2020-07-15_Eckpunkte-Lehr-und-Prufungsbetrieb-WiSe.pdf, www.uni-bielefeld.de/registrierung-corona, The updated organizational decision can be found here, https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/themen/coronavirus/studium-und-lehre/, the key points for the planning of the upcoming winter semester, more detailed information on the requirements, telephone conferences in working groups, and so forth, https://uni-bielefeld.de/themen/coronavirus/studium-und-lehre/, www.uni-bielefeld.de/einrichtungen/zll/distance-teaching-and-lea-2/index.xml, https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/elearningmedien, Faculty of History and Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.