Their PR on what they’ve been doing is also awful. And perhaps that’s the case – but I honestly don’t think those new feature adds are that big a deal. Public angst against FB currently, should be a warning sign for what other social media sites could face in the future, and it could spell the end for FB much like the now ghostly MySpace. It presents a wide range of features. Teenagers would do a better job – Strava is run like a company headed by boomers that have no idea how the internet, apps, or social networks function. The data adds a bit of fun but that is it for me. You'll support the site, and get ad-free DCR! But I can’t say never. So I’m just mad at them. So basically, that first single line item above simply says “kill off segment result dataâ€. We plan to take what we earn from these changes and reinvest straight back into building more and better features – not devising ways to fill up your feed with ads or sell your personal information. I.e. People say NO, but they don’t really care. Which is as great shame. Hi, Just received my Galaxy Watch 3 (I'm in the UK), and it turns out the Strava app isn't available for download. The app is suitable for Android and iOS devices. I’ve been impressed with Sports Tracker by Amer sports. I am left wondering, however, is there enough value to the data I provide free of charge to Strava? Strava is just not that big of a deal for me anymore, they’re doing a good job of making themselves irrelevant IMO. Take for example VeloViewer, within this Zwift Insider leaderboard section. I’m just not convinced gutting Segments and routes for non-paying members is the right direction there. Why haven’t you yet released a review for XYZ product you mentioned months ago? That’s still permitted, but isn’t done programmatically anymore. •   Compare your results Just this week, yesterday actually or maybe the day before, I realized that the view of the segments on a specific ride no longer includes the delta to the KOM, or the delta to my PR, or the my PR for this year. Thanks for the article. Want to compare the features of each product, down to the nitty-gritty? I want to bring up the fact that non paying users can now only create private segments. Long story short, “They’re using the stick, instead of the carrot.â€. Since they refuse to accept data processing from established vendors (Garmin et al) and say they want to do their own data processing (which always seems to be a little slower and a little less everything than others) there’s really no reason to trust the way they generate their metrics…and further, it has made their system less less trustworthy since my speed / power / distances always seem to be less on Strava. I see my rides on Garmin maps. So what is the point of this app? The app is well known for its accurate results while doing the workouts and it provides excellent tips on health and fitness. I ride with people that just do human powered activities too. Strava is just doing more virtue signaling about something that should be the responsibility of cyclist / runner to begin with, and furthermore, if someone is concerned about that why even use Strava to begin with? And it’s probably not untrue. I’m looking towards the new alternatives , Is it just me or is GAP (grade adjusted pace) no longer available to free users, GAP was always a bit hit & miss (ie only appeared sometimes) but yes it doesn’t seem to be on *any* of my runs now, even the very steep ones, I knew I’d lose the GAP graph, but surprised not to see the single overall number either. A middle ‘enthusiast’ tier would have suited me and I would have paid for it. Or why can’t Strava Beacon then automatically integrate across teams/clubs so that people know where everyone is on a group ride? That’s where they are adding value. But I don’t like that they took it away. Then came all the “trash†activities in my feed, mainly friend’s Zwift workouts, but walking, etc. Tremendously helpful, thank you for investing the time to share this information. I’ve been impressed with Sports Tracker by Amer sports. Major business and marketing fail in my opinion. Use or Competitive Cyclist with either the coupon code DCRAINMAKER for first time users saving 15% on applicable products. Both apps are connected. But that’s far from true. Strava’s log-in page will pop up. “If Strava knew how to cost effectively host their servers they would probably make money, they use AWS, beyond a certain scale that’s not cost effective (about the $25K mark). Will you test our product before release? I travel a fair bit, both for work and for fun. Details here: link to Or, the ability for clubs to have a group routes page that includes a list of all popular routes that you could easily sync to your device. He’s so right! But most didn’t get notice. But wait, are you a female and feel like these things might not apply to you? Looking for the best sports tech deals for the holidays? It would sure be swell if there was a way (even if paid for) that you could see everyone that you follow’s weekly/monthly and yearly mileage in a report. Wanna create comparison chart graphs just like I do for GPS, heart rate, power meters and more? At left is the new one. Unfortunately I’ll have to break up with you Strava. C) Looking at what my real-life friends have posted recently. The good, the bad, and the ugly. This is all a consequence of Strava attempting to coerce people into spending money on their product. As for me, I just quit using Strava and went elsewhere. Sorry Strava, you’re about a decade too late too participate…. Before I used a Garmin, like many people, and then I started using Strava and stopped using the Garmin. All your efforts count towards your Strava activity. But I do have interest in comparing my efforts on the same ride/run, and on my training record. Alternative spreadsheet template (with screenshots) available here I respect that Strava need to make money or they won’t survive, but I think they’ve gone about this in the wrong way. Where did all those things go? In other words, your friends that aren’t subscribers won’t bother competing with you on Segments anymore, because they can’t see the results of it. We’ve also made subscription more straightforward by removing packs and the brand of Summit. Some reviews are over 60 pages long when printed out, with hundreds of photos! Solely comparing paying club members just doesn’t make sense, since you want to compare all your frinds in a Strava club. But lost all my previously recorded data. Mind you, you’ll have to provide a credit card first, and if you forget to cancel in mid-July you’ll become one of those paying subscribers. this is really painful, neither Samsung doing anything or Strava doing anything . That way there could be two tiers for paying customers. DC Rainmaker 2019 swim, bike, run, and general gear list. •   Segment Detail screen is allowed (just not leaderboard details) After June 18th, those endpoints will either omit the data or return an error message.â€. Then check out the massive list of everything, from $150 off the Garmin Fenix 6, plus big deals on Apple, GoPro, Suunto, Polar, Samsung, Withings, and many more! Garmin Connect segments are enough for me. Did I like the interface? I only get the option of the Galaxy Store. As a result I am not able to record or sync any activities to Strava. Dec 18, 2020. Looks like Strava is already working on this issue: If you’re trying to decide which unit to buy – check out my in-depth reviews section. Oh I still use it to accumulate miles but as far as spending time in the application checking on what others are doing…I’m not doing that anymore. Now that you’re registered, you can use Strava to track your progress, motivate you, and connect with others. The popular fitness app Strava: Run, Walk or Ride is now available for Samsung Galaxy Watch users. However, we occasionally make major changes to improve performance and enhance our features see the changelog for more details). In this context, if I was a non-paying member, I wouldn’t be able to see that I’m faster than GPLAMA here. That doesn’t mean they’ve wrecked Strava. Of course, we’re all different. It’s very personal data that is specific to me, and I’m fairly open to letting Strava use my data to create a platform that I feel is useful to me. Still can’t make up my mind what to do…….. I’m not paying so much money for the app. Since Strava removed previously free features, it’s made Strava less attractive to me as an app. Here we provide you with more explanations about this decision taken by Strava, which we deeply regret. [Update: 26 hours later, Strava disagrees with this summary of that portion of the call, stating only that “We are not yet a profitable company and need to become one in order to serve athletes betterâ€.]. This first change only impacts non-paying users. Anyway, the training calendar is no longer available in Strava. Strava does not import my activities from google fit anymore. The most common question I receive outside of the “what’s the best GPS watch for me†variant, are photography-esq based. And it probably is worth $60/ year compared to other things that I spend money on. Or…or…or. I, and many others, pleaded for filters for the feed. Same goes for my group membership in the ‘Club’, that too would go away, here on a different segment: Free users can still create segments, as well as use the segment explorer to look at/search for segments. Look – I get why Strava needs to deprecate this feature. Go to and login to your account. They won’t care what their friends do, because they can’t see what their friends do. First of all, you got a new desktop (web) route builder which better integrates Strava Segments and terrain filters (e.g. my weekly podcast - with GPLAMA, which is packed with both gadget and non-gadget goodness! If everything going forward was put behind a paywall then I’d not be that bothered, if they’d done the same with leaderboards or other athlete’s data then again fair enough, but for features that have been there for the best part of the past decade to suddenly be told needs to be paid for, by what I head from a Strava spokesman due to it costing money to process the data just makes me laugh. Existing routes you have in your account remain. Login to your Strava account on this page.Once you do, we’ll automatically bring you back to your Zwift profile. Lots of fitness oriented people might not like the addition of a motorsports category, but there’s money to be made there. The reason I stopped paying for Summit access was that I just didn’t use those features to make it worth their while. I know one person in my sphere that uses that feature. – Non-paying users will no longer get the web route builder: If you want to build routes, you’ll need to use another platform. Plus, you'll be more awesome. tobiasfritz , 03/04/2018. I cover all the units to buy (and avoid) for the 2020-2021 indoor training season. If it’s not on Strava, it didn’t happen, right? It’s a nice break from the day to day sports-tech talk, and I hope you get something out of it! Sad, great user base and so much potential. If you’re out there hunting segments with Strava Live Segments or Xert, awesome, more power to you. I won’t be subscribing to get access to what had been put behind a paywall. Till then, I’ll just use something else that caters to both crowds. And historically speaking – that doesn’t improve customer satisfaction. No solutions in several months. And in reality it’s not very social anyway…and I believe people are figuring this out…finally. A few years ago I became a subscriber because: “Every dollar you spend . Sounds like a plan for the future indeed! First they ignore users’ complaints for years, and don’t fix what is broken. And even if it doesn’t, it does suggest that political affiliationism on the part of corporates etc will not be tolerated. Sauce was created by me, Justin. Hi, I recently joined strava and I’m paying for pro so that I can view my heart rate stats. Look, the new changes are nice. Strava only recently started “Matched Ridesâ€, which is exactly allowing you to see how you’ve done in “previous trips outâ€. Sorry never going to pay for my own data shared with others.â€. Maybe think about adding stuff instead of this continued disparity between the app and the website where you have to look in both places to find stuff. Recent changes to free and subscription features on Strava … I swim, bike and run. It's important to me that people know Sauce was created by a real person. I don’t see the point in having a Strava account in this situation, so it goes to delete. I would like to see maybe a time based option. No incidents reported. As of today, non-paying members lose access to the Route Builder entirely. Segments don’t appreciably enter into my day to day usage of Strava (unless I’m beating Lama on a segment when he doesn’t realize it, obviously). My issue is that I’m not an “athleteâ€. Why? We are excited that you have decided to join Strava’s community of athletes. At least, if you believe Strava Segments are the soul of what makes Strava, well, Strava. Only thing they can do is ask you to reset watch or send it to support for repair and of course Strava does not have any support. I understand the arguments against including a moto category. Look, API changes and deprecations are a normal part of hosting a web platform. Strava not recording heart rate from Apple Watch. For example, the ‘Leaderboard’ tab on a given segment won’t change, because it is actually just an embed from Strava’s public site which shows the overall leaderboard + Top 10 women. To get rid of freeloaders like me? Click on the ( ) more options menu located on the left-hand side of your activity page. I find the inverted nature of the data availability a problem — i can see the top 10 on a segment but can’t see my own top 10 results on the segment. There’s some value to be had there, sure, but not as much value as is being lost today (for all users). They’re just using the ‘Embed on Blog’ feature to get that to display: I asked Strava exactly what was changing developer-wise, and they noted the following specific items from the API: Segment Leaderboard data is not available anymore, Segment Effort data is available for subscribers (but not non-paying users). After roughly five months of appeasing users with new feature after new feature after new feature, the other shoe has finally dropped. By the way, while we’re at it, as of today Strava is ditching the ‘Summit’ moniker it created two summers ago. For non-Zwift platforms though, the general consensus seems to be that Strava overstepped a bit. They’ve just been very negligent in doing this. VeloViewer has detailed the nuances here, which still involve less features now for non-paying Strava users. I think the failure is with the lack of vision and brains behind the running of Strava to make features that people are willing to pay for and instead have just turned around and said “what do our users use the mostâ€, and then just put that behind a pay wall. If it was slightly less I would pay up without hesitation. But maybe I’m wrong. If Strava knew how to cost effectively host their servers they would probably make money, they use AWS, beyond a certain scale that’s not cost effective (about the $25K mark). Strava (like Zwift) doesn’t really care what people comment, that part of the app is just for show. But I do miss the features they took away. So the latter is *MY* data not what Strava is bringing to the table. As for the current demise of the flyby feature, who really cares? Matched runs, training diary and lots of goodies! Was/is there a tab in the Challenge showing a club leaderboard?