Besides Hitler, he and Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk were the only members of the Third Reich's cabinet to serve continuously from Hitler's appointment as Chancellor until his death. Kansallissosialistien noustua valtaan tammikuussa 1933 Robert Leystä tuli myös ”Saksalaisen työn suojelukomitean” (Aktionskomitee zum Schutz der Deutschen Arbeit) johtaja.Tämän tehtävänä oli murskata ammattiliittojen valta. RIP: John Smith 1994; Diana Spencer 1997; David Kelly 2003; Robin Cook 2005 then Sheffield United, Kettering Town (loan), Frickley Athletic, Halifax Town, Hucknall Town (loan), Bradford PA, Barrow, Grimsby Town (trial), Scarborough (trial), Stocksbridge Park Steels, Retford United, Sheffield FC, Alfreton Town, Lincoln United (loan), Sutton Town, Goole Town, Belper Town, Buxton, Goole Town. Frick tried to suppress the State Police's operation, wherefore he was arrested and imprisoned, and tried for aiding and abetting high treason by the People's Court in April 1924. 2010 Johan Galtung A Scandinavian academic's figure of 96% of all media Jewish-owned was publicised. Ulf Rosenberg - European Brass Band Association Martin Mortimer - The British Open Brass Band Championships Andrew Straiton - UniBrass David W Ashworth - Association of Brass Band Adjudicators Martin Gernon - BrassPass @British Bandsman, Band of the year contest and Centre Stage Percussion and Uniforms. After Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933, Frick joined the new government and was named Reich Minister of the Interior. pre-NUFC was Sheff Wednesday and Ilkeston Town. 2008 Barry Soetero, inaugurated as USA president in 2009. And this is one of the things which helped to change Indian opinion. Now the American movie makers are to rewrite the history of Colditz as well. 2002-2005 'Denis MacShane' MP was made 'Minister for Europe'. Store of value (from Adam Smith?) I heard him in 1994; what follows are verbatim extracts, greatly cut down from the original: The story of Hugh Trevor-Roper and the fake Hitler diaries is perhaps worth summarising here (these notes were made reasonably accurately from a 1991 TV series of four programmes, based on a book by Robert Harris on the 1983 hoax. Stationers Company: this observation quoted from Peter Cadogan; probably I’d guess he took it from Christopher Hill. A Labour friend of Israel, his real name is eastern-European Jew Mateusek. The Swedish taxpayers are forced to pay this insane woman. Höss's trancelike testimony was responsible for journalists not abandoning Nuremberg as a bore after some weeks. He sided with big money, including farcical wastes of money such as the 'Millennium Dome' and the 'London Olympics'. I can’t guarantee the truth of the story described.) He (1) ran up huge paper-money debts, of course to Jews; (2) arranged huge pointless construction programmes; (3) used 'Private Finance Initiatives' to guarantee unworkable interest rates; (4) paid out for countless charities, 'think tanks', advisory groups, non-white race groups etc, all following Jewish policies; (5) of course corrupted the country with lies, for the second Iraq War; (6) used 'statutory instruments' to overturn planning decisions, give illegal immigrants money and housing, money for multiple 'wives' etc; (7) did his best to convert health services into profit-centres; (8) supported groups of thugs. Typical is the fact it's never made clear that Britain declared war on Germany, in both world wars. It has to be said that, in view of the desperately low quality of many historians, this isn’t necessarily a drawback. The Talmud goes on to claim that the number of Jews killed by the Romans after the fortress fell was 4 billion "or as some say" 40 million, while the Midrash Rabbah reports 800 million martyred Jews.' Theory of Talmudic exaggeration. He was instrumental in formulating laws that consolidated the Nazi regime (Gleichschaltung), as well as laws that defined the Nazi racial policy, most notoriously the Nuremberg Laws. Find and classify sensitive data no matter where it is located. See. I wonder whether the reaction against the French Revolution wasn’t a large part of the motivation for this amendment. He had been nominated by the National Socialist Freedom Movement, an electoral list of the far-right German Völkisch Freedom Party and then banned Nazi Party. What about 1/2 million dead children and Iraq sanctions? • Increase in Awareness of Jewish Power Historically and Geographically       Looking back historically has thrown light on many topics. At the Nuremberg Trials held in judgement of the leading Nazi criminals in World War II (1939-1945), the International Military Tribunal sentenced the following to be hanged, viz: Joachim von Ribbentrop, Ernst Kaltenbruner, Alfred Rosenberg, Bruno Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Ley Sauckel, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, Julius Streicher, Wilhelm Keitel and Alfred Jodl. in Martin Gilbert, was a fraud or hoax (air photography providing their evidence—along with the absence of skeletons); that much of the Jewish population in Poland in fact disguised themselves as Poles (the change-of-name archives being, I'm told, still firmly closed to investigators); that the presentation of Auschwitz/Birkenau, including rebuilt and fake exhibits, relied on concealment and spurious testimony; that Poles were treated just as badly as Jews in the camps; and that the Germans had a system for trying and punishing army war criminals and profiteers. It made reconsideration the war seem unnecessary. Elevated to the rank of an Oberamtmann and head of the Kriminalpolizei (criminal police) from 1923, he and Pöhner participated in Hitler's failed Beer Hall Putsch on 9 November. On such issues as trade deals with Germany and shareholders’ money and the Basle bank for international settlements, the only accessible sources seem to be (for example) Independent Labour Party publications. 14-16 ; Hip-Hop Flop by Stephen Rodrick, p. 17 ; Back to Basic by James Traub, p. 18 ; The Unshining Path by Gustavo Gorriti, pp. From the mid-to-late 1930s Frick lost favour irreversibly within the Nazi Party after a power struggle involving attempts to resolve the lack of coordination within the Reich government. Death: AFT 1521 John of Frickley & Burghwallis Anne: Birth: ABT 1505 in Burghwallis Hall, South Yorkshire, England. Frick remained in the cabinet as a minister without portfolio until Hitler's death in 1945. He was a 'Labour' MP in a safe, working-class constituency, which he helped flood with immigrants. (Why didn't they use a modern analytical technique, with high sensitivity? A European on 20th C ideologies]. December 20, 2018 Tim Mutum explores the life of one of brass banding’s most charismatic … The only "evidence" for a general massacre occurs in the Talmudic literature (including in this context the Midrash Rabbah) which for reasons unknown comments extensively on the siege of Bethar and its supposed aftermath. No. Dutch liberalism and printers: the money aspect struck me when examining a collection of manuscripts and printed books, some of which were Dutch, in Lincoln Cathedral. [7] Within a few days of the Enabling Act's passage, Frick helped draft a law appointing Reichskommissare to disempower the state governments. When Reich president Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor on 30 January 1933, Frick joined his government as Reichsminister of the Interior. Thus on Judge Edward L. Van Roden et al. If you would like to register your preferences, use the Contact Form or, when purchasing programmes, the Checkout - Stage 3 page. The officials who drew it up might be surprised to be told their work isn't official. This unspeakable piece of shit helped conceal rapes and assaults of underage white girls. When the weather turns hot and humid, prickly heat may become a nightmare for you. This was a couple of weeks after the false flag London bombings, which were never investigated. (An utterly discredited Carnegie-Mellon 'study' of on-line pornography was used in a. It’s perhaps worth commenting on the First Amendment to the US Constitution (ratified by various states in about 1790, with a few laggards much later). Some donors dodged notification by claiming to 'loan' money, though whether it was repaid seems doubtful. On the contrary; for example, the British education system has a 'National Curriculum' in which 'the holocaust' is a part. Obviously, it must have been a good thing; Churchill liked it: Ben Pimlott wrote that Churchill had been regarded as an adventurer, and seen as a defender of freedom only by coincidence, his 'firmness' a joke until 1941. In fact it systematically suppressed information (for example) on the Vietnam War as a deliberate matter of policy. fraudulent wind farms, financed by people expecting 'Labour' to take its turns when Cameron is kicked out. The photo shows the Pakistani-lookalike 'Ed' Miliband, his brother being David, who makes money in (e.g.) On cyanide: Britain's Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Act was passed in 1937, shortly before the Second World War; after the war, cyanide was still used as an insecticide in glasshouses by, for example, rose growers; in the UK it was packaged in small lead containers, I would guess holding (say) sodium cyanide and an acid which would be mixed to generate the gas. Another misunderstood issue is trade unions: under Jewish ('red') control, trouble could be caused where needed to close down industries, ports etc. Quote at chapter start from a book by Ian Kershaw on Nazism ‘scarcely capable of rational analysis’ reflects a common attitude. Peter Goldsmith in 2003 was Attorney General (not for Scotland) and came up with the right answer—Iraq must be invaded. An analogous set of problems applies in modern legal systems which Jews have been allowed to influence: payments extorted by 'Jews' after 1945 from Germany, divorce and the exquisite error of 'feminazis', legal aid as a pot of money for groups of lawyers (I think Simon Sheppard says a case against him cost—or rather gained, for lawyers—about a million pounds, "They didn't care; it wasn't their money", organisations funded from loans and taxes, such as the CEHR 'human rights' frauds in Britain, private-ish organisations nominally of Soros set up by Jewish paper money, illegal activities of Jews tolerated, probably as a result of Freemasonry connections. Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher. There seem to have been many more killings of strikers in the USA than of Jews in Russia. There was no mention of the control sample taken by Leuchter from a room (I think of red brick) known to have been used for killing lice by gas, which showed high levels of cyanide. Wernher von Braun 'found himself' working for the US illustrates the same sort of thing. He supports the Jewish agenda of forcing immigration into all white countries. The French passed a little-noticed law in mid-1998 making denial of the Armenian massacre by Turks—which the Turks apparently themselves deny—an offence. Such debate as has occurred is in propaganda. The Frick children were born in Pittsburgh and were raised at Clayton. Free thought publications contained arguments and evidence which enabled energetic and intelligent people to put questions to official experts—for example clerics of various types—who were quickly found to be unable to answer. Hans Frank blev født i Karlsruhe som søn af en advokat. The Theory of Innovation. This is now out of fashion—perhaps because more people have been burnt alive in the twentieth century than in the entire medieval period. Fleming of the two-volume, Merchant seamen: this is a blurb from the, Felderer, Faurisson, Irving, Rassinier, Zündel etc: the information here comes almost entirely from Internet sources, both pro- and against. The invention of Christianity suggests another parallel; perhaps, since this is little-known, I might expand on this here (and cf. Conference arranged by a Swiss group, Verité et Justice, in Lebanon, March 31-April 3rd 2001. 2012 Neil Armstrong died—probably a relief to him after his lifetime of lies. The bombing of Serbian TV broadcasting station, apparently with a demand that it broadcast some hours a day of 'western' material, is a further example of the distortions of 'free speech'. Death: ABT 1456 Specifically on the 'Holocaust'™, the official view remains the same, largely because of Jewish control of the media. No one then spoke of Human Rights and none … I expect the Church's supposed opposition to 'Usury' was a collaboration to keep Jewish monopoly. 2012 - Fifteen Years Later Ralph de Anne: Birth: ABT 1220. Some are on this site. From 2001-2006 he was Foreign Secretary, positioned to push Blair into promoting Jewish war of the USA against Iraq. A mass spectrometer?) The illustrations show a tiny museum in Berlin, 'Das Anti-Kriegs-Museum', set up by Ernst Friedrich in 1925. The cynic can’t help but notice that the main effect, now, is to permit large or wealthy organisations to publish any rubbish they want to, with virtually no possibility of redress. David Irving’s list of forgeries and fakes is from the introduction to the new, Other claims of fakery include: ‘Martin Gray’s, Trevor-Roper's piece on Scotch pseudo-traditions is a chapter in. G B Shaw listening to the radio: this is taken from a late 1940s (undated) book by S Winsten. As though a huge war just happens, like catching a cold. Frick was also accused of being one of the highest persons responsible for the existence of the concentration camps. Perhaps Morris, presented as a person of great principle, will go on to examine the designers of modern weaponry, including the sort which breaks the Geneva Convention. His power was greatly reduced in June 1936 when Hitler named Himmler the Chief of German Police, which effectively united the police with the SS. He volunteered for the army on the outbreak of World War I in 1914 and spent two years in the artillery before training as an aerial artillery spotter with Field Artillery Detachment 202. for example the. 11-12 ; The Exaggerators by Jeffrey Goldberg , p. 13 ; Prattfall by Ken Cummins, pp. In April 1999, I saw a headline in a London Jewish newspaper: 'Kosovo: Rabbi says no holocaust' or something very similar. All are for practical purposes Jews: Miliband brothers, north London Jews via Belgium and the USSR killing fields; Cameron from 'British' financiers; Clegg Dutch Jews.