Finanzieren soll diese Reise in eine weitgehend CO2-freie Zukunft die Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB), die ihren Sitz in … Europe will work with its global partners to curtail biodiversity loss within the next five years. The focal role of apprenticeships for the future of work . Climate change is an existential threat to humanity. The Operational Plan 2021 was approved by the Board of Directors of the European Investment Bank (EIB) on 16 December 2020. If you agree, this website section will also include third-party cookies used in online advertising. <… The "Green Heart" exhibition showcases the "Marina One" project by ingenhoven architects, which will open in the center of Singapore at the end of 2017. 23/03/2021. The European Green Deal will support and accelerate the EU’s industry transition to a sustainable model of inclusive growth. Corso Tecnico Base; Login. Our key investments across the world help create stability, sustainable growth and fight climate change everywhere. Cerchiamo di capire di cosa si tratta e se potrà davvero impattare sulle vite dei cittadini. Der European Green Deal ist ein Meilenstein auf dem Weg der EU, die Klimaziele des Pariser Abkommens zu erreichen. Quest’iniziativa rientra nelle politiche del “Green Deal” europeo, fiore all’occhiello della Commissione Von der Leyen, predisposto allo scopo di raggiungere un’economia climaticamente neutra entro il 2050, promuovendo almeno € 150 miliardi di investimenti nell’economia dell’UE nel periodo 2021-2027. Der European Green Deal der EU-Kommission sieht bis 2030 Investitionen von einer Billion Euro vor, was – gemessen an den öffentlichen Ausgaben für die Bankenrettung – ein vergleichsweise geringer Betrag für die Klimarettung ist. The manifesto calls for: - An end to EU subsidising new hydropower plants of all sizes, including via regional policy and Projects of Common Interest funds. Il Green Deal sarà finanziato con una quantità ingente di soldi, pubblici e privati. Europe has the power to demonstrate to the world that tackling climate change can go hand in hand with economic growth, social justice and a better quality of life for all. Our website uses anonymised cookies to give you the best browser experience and to collect aggregated statistics. Cedefop’s European skills index (ESI) helps predict EU countries’ success in developing green skills by linking a solid national skills development system with faster transition to a green economy. A European Green Deal I want Europe to strive for more by being the first climate-neutral continent. The EUR 17.5 billion Just Transition Fund is its core element for mitigating the social impact of greening the economy in regions dependent on coal or otherwise affected by the energy transition. Read more. Sarà inoltre presentato un piano di valutazione d'impatto per innalzare ad almeno il 50% l'obiettivo di riduzione delle emissioni di gas a effetto serra dell'UE entro il 2030 e verso il 55% rispetto ai livelli del … The European Citizens’ Meeting in 2021. In dieser Serie werfen wir einen Blick auf einige der Schlüsselelemente im Bezug auf den Energiesektor, das europäische Klimagesetz, den Investitionsplan, die Industriestrategie und den Aktionsplan für eine Kreislaufwirtschaft. Biodiversity is the name given to the variety of ecosystems (natural capital), species and genes in the world or in a particular habitat. Der Weg dahin soll über den "Green Deal" führen, den EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen bei ihrem Amtsantritt vor rund einem Jahr entworfen hat. Public money to bail out companies should be conditional upon making a change towards more sustainability. Die Europäische Investitionsbank ist die größte Förderbank der Welt. – Als erster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über den Bericht von Georgi Pirinski im Namen des Haushaltskontrollausschusses über den Jahresbericht 2014 der Europäischen Investitionsbank (EIB) (2015/2127(INI)) (A8-0050/2016). The key messages for the future are the need for Europe to become green (stressing the European Green Deal) and to develop and release its digital economy potential. It is essential to human wellbeing, as it delivers services that sustain our economies and societies. As part of the European Green Deal, we will present a Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. The Forum and the Green Talks are unlocking a month of dialogue and debate on green transition and green investment between the two continents Customer Service sociale con bee4; Sport. EU-Kommissionspräsidentin von der Leyen greift nach den Sternen. The member states set the bank's broad policy goals and oversee the decision-making bodies of the … I want us to lead the world at the 2020 It explains how to ensure a just and inclusive transition. The European Green Deal reforms must stay on track as our goal cannot be to go simply back to the ‘old normal’ of an economic system which is driving the climate crisis. Per avere. Dieser sieht einen Fonds für einen gerechten Übergang in Höhe von jährlich 100 Milliarden Euro vor, um denjenigen Regionen zu helfen, die von einer industriellen Neuorientierung betroffen sind. Receive updates of the EIB Group’s activities in Europe and around the world. Our environment, our natural jewels, our seas and oceans, must be conserved and protected. Der europäische Grüne Deal wird den Übergang der Industrie in der EU zu einem nachhaltigen Modell für integratives Wachstum unterstützen und beschleunigen. Der Green Deal versucht diese Länder zu besänftigen, indem ein „Mechanismus für einen gerechten Übergang“ geschaffen werden soll. On 4 March, the Commission proposed to make 2021 the European Year of Rail, to support the delivery of its European Green Deal objectives. Drei Säulen werden das neue "intelligente" Europa stützen: neue Kommunikationstechnologien, neue Energiequellen und neue Mobilitätsformen. The presidency informed about the state of play of the accession negotiations with the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Albania. Area Consulenti. Aber der Übergang dazu verlangt einen Umbau der gesamten Infrastruktur. Both these key political elements also hold potential for development of rural areas (i.e. We place sustainability at the heart of our activities. Die bestehenden Finanzierungsprogramme der EIB weisen erhebliche Defizite auf. Thank you for subscribing to the European Investment Bank’s monthly newsletter. Im März 2020 wird die Kommission eine EU-Industriestrategie annehmen‚ um die doppelte Herausforderung des ökologischen und des digitalen Wandels anzugehen. A variety of activities will put rail in the spotlight throughout 2021 across the continent, to encourage the use of rail by both citizens and businesses and to contribute to the EU Green Deal goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2050. mail: info@gruppoei.comtel: +39 011 19236950, Eicom Energia | Luce, gas e multiservizi per il tuo business, Luce, gas e multiservizi per la piccola e la medio impresa, © 2020 - tutti i diritti riservati - Powered by, Iscriviti alla nostra newsletter e RICEVI IN REGALO, Questo sito utilizza cookie tecnici, analitici e di profilazione, anche di terze parti, necessari rispettivamente, a consentire alcune funzionalità fondamentali per il sito, ad effettuare misurazioni delle performances del sito stesso o a fornirti indicazioni promozionali in linea con i tuoi interessi. Foto: privat. The document should serve as a guideline for cultural heritage stakeholders and policymakers on how cultural heritage can contribute to the European Green Deal. Call for urgent global action to mitigate climate crisis- the external dimension of the European Green Deal From growing onions in the sand, beekeeping to preserve wildlife, building homes from plastic bottles, to solar parks and other initiatives to switch to green: such concrete actions, big or small, help to mitigate climate change. Yet there is a need for drastic action. Resilient Recovery . boost the efficient use of resources by moving to a clean, circular economy; restore biodiversity and cut pollution; The plan outlines investments needed and financing tools available. Tutte le azioni previste, sono specificate nell’Annex al Green New Deal: Annex to the Communication on the European Green Deal Roadmap – Key actions. With their „European Green Deal“, the European Commission expressed an admirable ambition to be climate-neutral by 2050. Cesar Cielo Swim Clinic; Il Giro del Piemonte di Paola Gianotti; Energia in volo con Pierandrea Patrucco; Lavora con noi. The European Investment Bank is one of the world’s main financers of climate action. As we approach the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, speakers urged individuals, companies and institutions to act now for a reduced global carbon footprint, equal distribution of green technologies and a just-transition for all. Eine grüne, digitale Wirtschaft könnte die Zukunft des Alten Kontinents verändern. Report: Financing the European Green Deal by Positive Money Europe | Sep 16, 2019 | 1 comment Together with five other civil society organisations, Positive Money Europe publishes today a briefing report outlining how the European Commission’s new President Ursula Von Der Leyen can best deliver the one trillion euros “Green Deal” she promised to secure her election. Academy Ei; Formazione. Transparency, accountability and access to information, Taxation: avoiding misuse of EIB Group operations, Intermediated loans for SMEs, mid-caps and other priorities, Investments in infrastructure and environmental funds, Guarantees in support of SMEs, mid-caps and other objectives, EU Trade and Competitiveness Programme in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia, Connecting Europe Facility Debt Instrument, EIB in the Mediterranean partner countries*, The EIB in the Eastern neighbourhood countries, The EIB in sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, Economic conferences and research networks, Open learning: resources for learners and researchers, Coronavirus pandemic: All about the EIB Group’s response. Maßstab mit Lücken EU-Africa: 30 days of dialogue on green transition. Ministers held a debate on annual Rule of Law Dialogue and assessed the situation of specific member states. Green Deal, economia circolare, sviluppo sostenibile, lotta al cambiamento climatico, ripresa post Covid-19. The European Green Deal reaffirms the Commission’s ambition to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. European citizens see climate change as a serious problem and want to see increased action. Indeed, the parliamentary report includes a Green demand to boost investment in sustainable industry. Il Green Deal è un’occasione da non perdere per sviluppare, finalmente, una crescita economica che sia rispettosa dell’ambiente ma anche delle persone; una transizione ecologica ed economica che arriverà a migliorare il benessere delle persone e a conservare il Pianeta per le generazioni future. This is the highlights report of the 2nd meeting of the ENRD Thematic Group on the Long Term Rural Vision. It was established in 1958 under the Treaty of Rome as a "policy-driven bank" using financing operations to further EU policy goals such as European integration and social cohesion. - An end to European Investment Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development financing for all new hydropower plants in Europe. Die Europäische Kommission bittet seit heute (Freitag ... (INEA), wogegen die Europäische Investitionsbank vielversprechende Projekte unterstützt, die ihre vollständige Anwendungsreife noch nicht erreicht haben. L’orto dei bambini; L’energia a scuola; Il gioco di carte dell’energia! Im März 2020 wird die Kommission eine EU-Industriestrategie annehmen‚ um die doppelte Herausforderung des ökologischen und des digitalen Wandels anzugehen. Um bis 2050 klimaneutral zu werden, muss Europa sein Energiesystem umgestalten, auf das 75 Prozent der Treibhausgasemissionen der EU entfallen. At the conference, global climate leaders gathered to debate the critical decade and a truly global Green Deal. "Green Deal" EU stellt Investitionspläne für Klimaneutralität vor Europa bis 2050 klimaneutral machen - das sieht der "Grüne Deal" der EU-Kommission vor. Italian ECI alliance calls on policymakers to align with EU Green Deal objectives. The European Investment Bank is a publicly owned international financial institution whose shareholders are the EU member states. The atmosphere is warming and this is affecting citizens already now. The World Bank Green Bond raises funds from fixed income investors to support World Bank lending for eligible projects that seek to mitigate climate change or help affected people adapt to it. Jetzt wird sie zum Finanzier für Europas Green Deal – und damit zum wichtigsten Geldgeber für den Umbau der Industrie. The European Green Deal includes: A €100bn Just Transition Mechanism to help countries still heavily dependent on fossil fuels and "carbon-intensive processes" to … Promoting sustainable mobility: Commission proposes 2021 to be the European Year of Rail. The European Green Deal initiative is aimed at establishing a Just Transition Mechanism. Explore our books, reports, strategies and studies through our Publications library. Il Green Deal europeo o Patto Verde europeo è un insieme di iniziative politiche proposte dalla Commissione europea con l'obiettivo generale di raggiungere la neutralità climatica in Europa entro il 2050. We bring together our own research and unique data sources with top-level research all over Europe, providing an entry point for researchers and a platform for dialogue. Il Green Deal europeo sottolinea la necessità di adottare un approccio olistico in cui tutte le azioni e le politiche dell'UE contribuiscano ai suoi obiettivi. Die EIB vergibt langfristige Mittel für solide Projekte, die den Zielen der EU entsprechen. Der europäische Grüne Deal wird den Übergang der Industrie in der EU zu einem nachhaltigen Modell für integratives Wachstum unterstützen und beschleunigen. 16/03/2021. Communication, Demography, European Green Deal, Rural Inspiration Awards: nominees, Sustainability; 2nd Thematic Group meeting on the Long Term Rural Vision Rural#2040 . Die Europäische Investitionsbank Ihre Anteilseigner sind die Mitgliedstaaten der EU. European Green Deal. With the European Green Deal, there is now a roadmap for achieving this. President Hoyer discusses coordinating climate risk management, We invest in a sustainable future for all. Relaunch of the signature collection of the European Citizens' Initiative to reinforce the objectives of the EU Strategies "Farm to Fork" and "Biodiversity 2030" and ask for a coherent renewal of the National Pesticide Action Plan. In March 2020, the Commission will adopt an EU industrial strategy to address the twin challenge of the green and the digital transformation. Das Maßnahmenpaket sieht außerdem vor, die Europäische Investitionsbank zu einer „Klimabank“ zu machen und verspricht 25% der EU-Mittel für Klimaschutzmaßnahmen bereitzustellen. L’Unione europea punta alla leadership mondiale in materia di sostenibilità ambientale e lotta al cambiamento climatico. 30% an entsprechende Klimaschutzmaßnahmen gebunden sind. The European Commission released the European Green Deal in December 2019 with the goal of making Europe climate neutral by 2050 and the European Green Deal’s Investment Plan two weeks ago. "Green Deal" EU stellt Investitionspläne für Klimaneutralität vor Europa bis 2050 klimaneutral machen - das sieht der "Grüne Deal" der EU-Kommission vor. Based on green bond market participants' interest in impact reporting and the positive influence that higher transparency and comparability in this area may have for the green bond market, the World Bank collaborated with the African Development Bank (AfDB), the European Investment Bank (EIB), and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to discuss green bond impact reporting. Portal User; Area Riservata Get your skills together for Europe’s green deal. Die Europäische Investitionsbank ist die größte Förderbank der Welt. I ️ Kassel; Contact; Donations; The 1 European Citizens’ Meeting 2018; Contact; Deutsch; European Citizens’ Meeting. Finanzieren soll diese Reise in eine weitgehend CO2-freie Zukunft die Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB), die ihren Sitz in Luxemburg hat. Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) – Jahresbericht 2014 (Aussprache) Video der Beiträge: PV Der Präsident. For more than 50 years, the EIB has been the European Union’s international development bank. We congratulate the Commission for standing by the strong evidence, taking the views of EU citizens on board, and following up on the ambitions of the European Green Deal and EU Biodiversity Strategy.