If you’re looking for a Sales Spike, set a three-month sales objective, run a fast campaign, and measure it at the end of three months. View all the 2019 Cannes Grand Prix winners Burger King, Nike and New York Times were among the big winners at Cannes Lions. The big creative idea – where work is brought to life through brilliant partnerships, people & story telling. Never miss the important news ... albeit for very different reasons – but in both cases they responded with a clear comeback that was in-keeping with … Zombie Christmas: The Real World Trailer – Silver & Bronze Lions Outdoor: Animated Digital Billboards Entertainment: Live Brand Experience View the work. Three drivers of “Creative Commitment”: spend, campaign duration, media channels. 2. Send colleagues a link to this content. Cannes Lions was originally all about rewarding creativity, starting as an awards ceremony for ad agencies back in 1954. FILM. Our nine Tracks reflect the breadth of disciplines across the global branded communications industry. CYBER. Since its first outing in 1954, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity has been bringing the creative communications industry together every year at its one-of-a-kind event in Cannes to learn, network and celebrate. View more Cannes Lions stories. 7. Broken. Lion Mexico Consolidated L.P. v. United Mexican States (ICSID Case No. Winning any trophy at the Cannes Lions is a career highlight few creative professionals ever get to experience, but the festival’s most rarefied air is reserved for the Grand Prix. What makes a winning Cannes Lions case study? ARB(AF)/15/2) December 22, 2015. Summarises current thinking about how to advertise effectively, given the current sense that advertising is not driving the growth it should be. You can change this and find out more here, © 2020 Copyright and Database Rights owned by Ascential Events (Europe) Limited, James Hurman and Peter Field present the main findings, James Hurman offers tips on climbing the Creative Effectiveness Ladder, James Hurman's guidance on improving creative effectiveness, Freeing China's luxury consumers from the annual ugly contest, How the NYT is using first-party data for better advertising, China oversees livestreaming with blockchain, Anatomy of effectiveness: A white paper by WARC, Latest category insights straight to your homepage, A new Evidence series on key marketing questions, Category campaign data from recent case studies. There are six levels of the Creative Effectiveness Ladder – and they form a hierarchy of effects. AGENCY. your own Pins on Pinterest Maximise creative output. Marketing initiatives in this category also stick with the same creative strategy or creative work throughout the campaign, delivering sustained commercial benefits. Next comes a Behaviour Breakthrough, a tier of campaigns that employ creativity to change customer behaviours or prompt other behavioural shifts that are important to the brand. Even though it may seem riskier, the data evidence is conclusive that work with creative award-winning qualities is far more likely to be effective than ordinary work. “We urge that marketers and their agencies work to reverse this trend, in the interests of improving both the effectiveness of their efforts and the overall value and reputation of marketing.”, The Creative Effectiveness Ladder can be used to drive continuous improvement. glass Vicki Maguire ECD GREY LONDON I'm in bits. It will be especially useful at those important moments when we take a step back to take stock and plan the future,” he said. Building the Creative Effectiveness Ladder with almost 5,000 case studies. The Brand Experience & Activation jury today awarded their Grand Prix to Microsoft for its Changing The Game campaign, created by McCann New York . The ACC congratulates the Belgians with their results at Cannes Lion awards. 4. To achieve this, forge a bond with the brand by championing the consumer; tap into existing brand strengths; get super-specific about the brand attributes you want to work on. During Cannes Lion, Axel talked to customers about the pressures of the unpredictable nature of today’s customers, who enter and leave in different stages of the buying process, and how companies can help equip themselves Focusing on the artistry, skill, talent and flair required to deliver beautifully executed ideas with the power to cut through and bring the creative idea to life. And the pinnacle of the Creative Effectiveness Ladder is the Enduring Icon, a campaign that uses creativity to fuel brand and sales growth over a period of three years or more. your own Pins on Pinterest Choose highly creative work. Plagiarism movie is one of the occuring plagiarism types especially in modern cinematography. The Creative Effectiveness Ladder is a tool for change and the start of the mission,” he said. Award Winners for Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity in 2019 © Copyright Ascential Events (Europe) Limited. Cannes Lions is celebrated with the same fanfare as Christmas or Diwali. If you want an Enduring Icon, plan a three-year campaign and stick with it. Seriously. Here are the key principles of climbing the Creative Effectiveness Ladder: 1. Winning a Lion just further proves that anything is possible – even the wildest and most improbable dreams. A subsequent analysis and comparison of close to 5,000 effectiveness award entrants and winners from 2011 through 2019, sourced from the Cannes Creative Effectiveness Lions database (1,031 cases), WARC’s database (3,616) and the IPA databank (216), also uncovered a new principle of effectiveness. Cannes Lion 2019 News, big interviews and analysis from the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. On Wednesday 3 June at 6:00pm, Pierre Lescure and Thierry Frémaux have announced the line-up of the 73rd edition of the Festival de Cannes, live from the UGC Normandie in Paris. Cannes Lions And ANA Launch CMO Growth Council. The idea of purpose and its continuing impact on creativity isn’t new to Cannes Lions. It's a question many agency creatives are asking right now, with this year's Lions deadlines fast approaching: Creative Effectiveness category – cases for which are published by Warc – will be closed on 1st March, while the deadline for all other Lions is 28th March. Set the right objectives. Cannes Lions, a five-day International Festival of Creativity, is the largest gathering in the creative marketing community. On stage at the Cannes Lion Festival. Conheça os cases finalistas do Titanium Lions 2019. Jon Bird. In developing the Creative Effectiveness Ladder, Hurman and Field studied 4,863 effectiveness award entrants and winners submitted in the period from 2011 and 2019. Another aim of the Ladder is to act as a continuous improvement tool for agencies and clients in assessing their own work over time. I had a great first Cannes jury experience. Cannes Lions global Lions Live streaming event went live yesterday, Monday, 22 June with MD Simon Cook in an interview with host Tina Daheley talking through the behind-the-scenes of … Every piece is a case study in the power of great ideas. Find out all about Cannes Lions, here. New York Times and Droga5 take Film Grand Prix in Cannes. This notion is premised on three different “levers” that can each boost campaign performance, in the form of spend, duration, and the number of media channels used. See more ideas about cannes, concept board, cannes lions. Head to @BingAds and Radio Bing podcasts from Cannes to recap on the week and discover more. O Brasil começou o Cannes Lions – Festival Internacional de Criatividade de 2019 com um total de 24 Leões nas cinco categorias que revelaram os resultados nesta segunda-feira (17). Creativity, they noted, is a fourth impactful lever – as indicated by the fact that creatively-awarded campaigns are much more effective overall, and when broken out at every level of Creativity Commitment. To achieve this, use creativity to make sales promotions mega-engaging; use stunts, events and experiential marketing in highly creative ways; use ‘Big Tactics’ to achieve large results with seemingly small ideas. You can read the agenda and access the live feed here. project draws on 40 years’ worth of crash test research and safety studies meticulously logged by Volvo since the early 1970s. The Brand Experience & Activation jury today awarded their Grand Prix to Microsoft for its Changing The Game campaign, created by McCann New York . It may not be reproduced, posted on intranets, extranets or the internet, e-mailed, archived or shared electronically either within the purchaser's organisation or externally without express written permission from WARC. Cannes Lions Winner: Black & Abroad ‘Go back to Africa’ scoops top data prize June 25, 2019 by Editor This year’s Cannes Lions creative data award went Black & Abroad, a company specialising in travel experiences for black people, turned the “Go back to Africa” slur on its head. I’m now an analyst in the strategic department of McCann Tel Aviv, but I have to say that working on this project has opened up a whole new way of thinking about briefs for me. Hurman and Field made a further discovery in their analysis: namely, that marketing effectiveness is heavily influenced by what they described as Creative Commitment. Eskosol S.p.A. in liquidazione v. Italian Republic (ICSID Case No. Photo here is of Jonathan Mak, the youngest winner of a Cannes Grand Prix ever. The stories behind big Cannes Lion winners and the riskiest advertising moves of the year 4 reasons that Cannes Lions was worth it for agencies—in an age when ROI is king BRANDS. We’ve made some exciting changes since your last visit, bringing you: By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. Winners of Gold Lions at the 2011 Cannes Cyber Lions: Below we’ve rounded up as many of the 2011 Cannes Gold Cyber Lion winning case studies as we could possibly find. For a campaign to reach the fourth step on the Ladder, it must be a Brand Builder that improves key metrics of brand health – such as awareness, purchase intent, consideration and ownership of a particular attribute. It also built on interviews conducted by Hurman and Field with a committee of leading executives in strategy and planning – and the subsequent learnings that the industry needed a common definition and language of effectiveness. To achieve this, set a clear behavioural goal; orient the creative idea around a clear behavioural outcome; make the new behaviour more attractive. Showcasing the conception and application of product development, and the new data-driven, tech-enabled creativity re-shaping the conversation between brand and consumer. Subsequent analysis and comparison of close to 5,000 effectiveness award entrants and winners from 2011 through 2019, sourced from the Cannes Creative Effectiveness Lions database (1,031 cases), WARC’s database (3,616) and the IPA databank (216), also uncovered a … With the Cannes Lions 2015 Festival of Creativity complete, all the gold awarded, parties over and the 15,000+ people flying back home with perfect tans, it’s time to review the the world’s best creative work for 2015. Cannes Lions: Brand Experience & Activation winners 2019 / Microsoft scoops a Grand Prix in Brand Experience & Activation for facilitating inclusivity in gaming. If you’ve got a tiger by the tail, don’t let go. Cannes Lions And ANA Launch CMO Growth Council New council will frame the future growth agenda for brands on the global stage CANNES, France (April 17, 2018) — The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity and the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) has today announced the launch of the CMO Growth Council in partnership with the ANA's CMO Masters Circle. Budget realistically. DIRECT. In reviewing so many cases, a few key trends have shown up in the most impactful work. More specifically, this in-depth analysis drew on 1,031 cases from the Cannes Creative Effectiveness Lions database, as well as 3,616 cases from the WARC database and 216 cases … The Cannes Lions festival is at its highest these days with the last award winners being announced tomorrow, Saturday, June 23 rd.Browsing through the shortlist of amazing cases in the category “Best Consumer Engagement”, I found a Bronze Lion awarded campaign by TBWA London – Skittles Blue . Winning cases. All rights reserved including database rights. 6. 176.2k Followers, 467 Following, 907 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Cannes Lions (@cannes_lions) A Sales Spike, the third level on the Ladder, results when marketing efforts yield a temporary lift in sales, market share or profitability. In a talk held by WARC at Cannes Lions 2019, CMOs from Heineken, McDonalds and Coca-Cola demonstrate how creativity has driven market share, elevated share price and accelerated business growth. Given the quality of the work on show, anyone who has won a Media Lion this year should feel very proud of them- selves indeed. I know Cannes is not the Effies, but this doesn’t mean we should be happy to look like idiots. Mine The Work for inspiration to nail a tough brief. Focusing on the powerful brand currency of intelligent customers journeys and immersive experiences - captivating audiences at every touch point. Land and expand. Every piece is a case study in the power of great ideas. Wieden & Kennedy Portland named Cannes Lions Agency of the Year. This year it was particularly interesting in video cases. With the Cannes Lions 2015 Festival of Creativity complete, all the gold awarded, parties over and the 15,000+ people flying back home with perfect tans, it’s time to … Look to the winning behaviours at each Ladder Level to inspire your thinking. “Over the past five years, the marketing and advertising industry has increasingly reduced the Creative Commitment, which significantly mitigates the return on investment,” he said. The Lions (as it is known) is the world’s biggest celebration of creativity and marketing excellence. Reaching the upper levels of the ladder is all about creating work that delivers brand-building and commercial results over a sustained period. 176.2k Followers, 467 Following, 907 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Cannes Lions (@cannes_lions) Like most awards programs, expectations of the work are exceptionally high—but there tends to be more gravity when a Lion is on the line. OUTDOOR. Advertising case studies shares ethical dimension in advertisements, how advertisements dictate culture (Indian Advertisements), developing advertisements and role of culture in development of an advertising campaigns. To achieve this, find a genuinely enduring insight; find a limitless idea; commit to the long term upfront, and stick to it. To learn more about The Effectiveness Code: A campaign on the bottom rung of the Ladder represents an Influential Idea, which performed strongly in terms of engagement and sharing, meaning an initiative over-indexes on campaign metrics and media efficiency. CANNES LIONS 2019: GRAND PRIX WINNERS. That kind of thought-leadership position is so rare, it’s like an energy source that feeds and inspires everyone around you – your clients, the whole agency team, and others in the company. It's a question many agency creatives are asking right now, with this year's Lions deadlines fast approaching: Creative Effectiveness category – cases for which are published by Warc – will be closed on 1st March, while the deadline for all other Lions is 28th March. How to climb the ladder? "Don't ask if your dreams are crazy. Winning a Cannes Grand Prix or a Titanium Lion takes that to another level – you are creating work that is recognised as the best in the world, making culture and shaping the industry. A complete list of concluded cases listed in chronological order from the most recently concluded. Use the levers of media budget, campaign duration and number of media channels to drive Creative Commitment up as far as possible for each campaign. Conheça os cases finalistas em Titanium do Cannes Lions 2019. ARB/15/50) The first ever Cannes Lions Grand Prix for Creative Strategy has been awarded to auto brand Volvo for an initiative highlighting – and tackling – gender inequality in car safety.The Equal Vehicles for All (E.V.A.) The penultimate step on the ladder, a Commercial Triumph, occurs when creativity leads to profitable increases in sales and market share beyond a single quarter or a campaign’s duration. PROMO & ACTIVATION. Celebrating creativity in branded communications in this highly innovative but fiercely regulated sector with the unique power to truly change lives. And it introduces the Creative Effectiveness Ladder, a schematic that establishes the levels of impact that creative marketing produces. Going beyond brand purpose to use creative communications to shift culture, create change and positively impact the world. Mine The Work for inspiration to nail a tough brief. Draw on our wealth of data and insights to build a case for the value of creativity. 3. Rather that, if we have a well-planned and insightful strategy, we can magnify and supercharge the effectiveness of that strategic thinking with work that has creative-award-winning qualities,” Hurman said. May 1, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Apple He. If you’re at 20% market share and your budget is only 10% of total category spend, it’s unrealistic to expect growth. Cyber Lions Silver Lion Google designed and developed an interactive website to display Google ad technologies that balances the past successful ads for Alka … New council will frame the future growth agenda for brands on the global stage. July 02, 2019. Lion Mexico Consolidated L.P. v. United Mexican States (ICSID Case No. With 28 different specialist Lions, it's easy to find the right home for your creative work and ensure they are honoured at Cannes Lions. Cannes Lions Winner: Black & Abroad ‘Go back to Africa’ scoops top data prize. It is based on in-depth research undertaken by James Hurman, founding partner at innovation consultancy Previously Unavailable, and marketing consultant Peter Field. As adland's finest prepares to descend to French Riviera, AdNews and APN Outdoor have looked at what Australian work is being entered into the outdoor category at Cannes … World-class The Work covers over 200,000 campaigns, including every entry for Cannes 2019. I know Cannes is not the Effies, but this doesn’t mean we should be happy to look like idiots. Learn more The Martian A recent plagiarism case was for The Martian. But if you’re looking for a Commercial Triumph, set a 12-month sales objective, with a campaign duration to match, and measure it at the end of the year. Posts com a Tag: Cannes lion Canal influu mostra como as marcas estão abraçando a causa LGBTQ+ Em mais um vídeo do quadro Publi React, no Canal influu, nossa equipe volta a reagir a campanhas feitas com o marketing de influência. DESIGN. Oct 11, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Danny Yap. Plan a robust, insightful strategy. Winning any trophy at the Cannes Lions is a career highlight few creative professionals ever get to experience, but the festival’s most rarefied air is reserved for the Grand Prix. Cannes Lions: Brand Experience & Activation winners 2019 / Microsoft scoops a Grand Prix in Brand Experience & Activation for facilitating inclusivity in gaming.